“We want to provide the public with information about the illegal actions that took place at the protests that took place on Rustaveli Avenue and near the parliament building, on the basis of which the Ministry of Internal Affairs, as a result of an investigation together with the prosecutor’s office, detained 6 people on charges of assaulting a police officer and causing damage to property ". Director of the Tbilisi Police Department Sulkhan Tamazashvili stated this at a briefing.

According to him, the investigation established that on April 16, during the action, one of the detainees threw a blunt object towards law enforcement officers, as a result of which a special police officer was wounded in the eye area.

“At various times, rally participants tried to break into the parliament building and attacked police officers using various objects and structures, as well as tear gas of unknown origin.

In addition, the rally participants threw various heavy objects, including bottles, stones, metal objects, into the courtyard of the building of the Special State Security Service, where the Ministry of Internal Affairs officers were located, and used tear gas. Vehicles belonging to the ministry were also damaged.

The public saw live how the rally participants damaged CCTV cameras located on the administrative building and other things belonging to the Tbilisi City Hall. As a result of the attacks committed by the rally participants, seven police officers were injured, one of them underwent surgery and is still undergoing treatment. The Georgian Ministry of Internal Affairs began an investigation on the same day and arrested 6 people on May 8-9.
Law enforcement officers once again call on the organizers of the rally, political leaders and all those persons who may have any connection with the mentioned criminal case, not to go beyond the norms established by law for rallies and demonstrations and not to allow illegal actions,” the statement says.